Other altar symbols

A pelican feeding its cubs with its own blood symbolizes the highest sacrifice, is a sign of Jesus' sacrifice, symbolizing his blood.
Fish and bread - bread and fish Jesus multiplied so that people who listen to his teachings could eat. They are a symbol of God's gift to us. Fish and bread were blessed many times by Jesus. The fish itself symbolizes the sign of Christians.
Ox, lion, eagle, man - symbol of four evangelists and the Gospel itself.
Lily - Christ's body, purity, virginity, royal dignity
Rose - eternal wisdom, martyrdom, the passion of Christ, transience, mystery, eternity
Chalice and host - a symbol of the New Covenant between Christ and God's people. Symbol of the Sacrament of Holy Communion, established at the Last Supper (therefore often used for First Holy Communion).
The eye in the triangle - a symbol of Divine Providence and the Holy Trinity.
Crown of thorns - a symbol of the Passion of the Lord
Cross - a symbol of Jesus' suffering and death